Dear Parent,

The children have had a really good week and have settled in so well!

Thank you for returning the pink contact details cards promptly. The winners of the school draw are Aniyah Wilson and Chloe Neville and they each receive a £5.00 book token. Nursery details will be given next week.

If you still have a card at home, please send it in as quickly as possible so that we have up to date information in case of an emergency.

Newport Dragons’ Rugby starts on Tuesday for pupils in 5/6P. They will have this every fortnight. Pupils in 5/6W and 4/5BC will have Dragons’ Rugby in the Spring and Summer terms respectively.

We have two very special visitors on Tuesday. In the morning Mr James Harris, the Chief Education Officer, is visiting our school and in the afternoon, Councillor Gail Giles, who is the new Council Cabinet Leader for Education, will be visiting us to get to know the school and pupils.

On Thursday Class 5/6W are visiting Magor Marsh for some Science activities. Class 5/6P will also be having a similar visit but a date hasn’t been confirmed yet.

We are also School of The Week in the South Wales Argus on Thursday. (A journalist and photographer visited us last Friday.) The photographer took some photos in school but because he only had time to do a few photos, I’ll put some general photos on Twitter towards the end of the week. ( @StWoolosPrimary ). Our Reception children will also be in a special Argus Reception Class supplement coming out later in the month.

Mr Foster, our caretaker who has been away from work for a while due to ill health, will be retiring on Friday and he has been invited to a special assembly in the morning for us to say goodbye to him. I’d like to thank him for his loyal service to the school during his five years with us and wish him all the very best in his retirement.

Dr Emma Gibbins, who leads the choir at Newport Cathedral, will be coming into school on Friday afternoon to talk to children about the Junior Choir at the Cathedral, and to see if anyone is interested in trying out for it.

Newsletters, Diary Dates and Topic Letters

These accompany our newsletter, which will generally be given to older siblings only, from now on. However, where separate forms need to be completed such as Parental Consultations, they will go to every child in the family.

Our website has all copies of previous newsletters as well as a current one.

There are always extra events and visits that we have the chance to take part in that won’t be on the Dairy Dates sheet but I will always tell you about these in the weekly newsletter.


Every year our clubs change depending on staff availability and their extra commitments, such as lectures, after school.

A club letter has come to you detailing the clubs running for this year and they will start on Monday 19th September. Children will be told on Friday which clubs they have got into so opportunities can be shared out equally where numbers are limited. eg clubs such as cookery which change pupils every half term.


Children are permitted to wear a wristwatch and pierced earrings but they must be neat studs only.  They are allowed one ring only and no fashion bracelets or necklaces. This is because of the risk of loss, damage to the item or injury if it is caught on anything.

Children should be able to remove their earrings safely for PE.  This is because there is a risk of a child’s earlobe being torn if a child catches a finger or hand in the hoops. Additionally, if a butterfly back from an earring falls off during PE, there is a danger that a child can step or run on it with bare feet and it can become embedded in the heel of the foot.

If they are unable to remove earrings, then it will helpful if your child does not wear earrings on a PE day. As a last resort, children will be given white micropore tape to tape over their earrings.

Dentist and Doctor

Please try to get all appointments for the doctor or dentist outside of the school day. Where this is not possible, please bring your child in first thing in the morning so that they can have a mark in the register.

Bonus Ball

There is a rollover this week.

Yours faithfully,

H Vaughan


PS. Please put your child’s name on every item of clothing (including their PE kit), school bag and lunchbox. Thank you!