Dear Parent/Carer,
I apologise once again for the delay in you receiving this newsletter.
We were hugely proud of our Football Team who played their first Football match for quite a while last week. They played against Lliswerry Primary School (away) and Mr Godsall said that it was a great match! The final result was 11-2 to Lliswerry, but since we heard that the previous team to play them had lost with a score of 19 goals against them, we were pleased with the final result. The team were true sports and represented our school so well!
The next match will be a home one played at Clifton Park, after half term, so I’ll let you know more when I can.
Congratulations to the whole team and especially to player of the Match, Marzin Abdullah, who was an incredible goal scorer!
Thank you to Mr Godsall for his work with the team and thank you very much also to the parent who very generously paid the cost of the minibus for the team to travel to Lliswerry Primary School! 😊
In Tuesday we held Safer Internet Day (SID 24) throughout the school. Although this day is an annual event across the UK, which we always recognise, we also ensure that we hold an Internet Safety Day in the Autumn and Summer terms as well. Please ask your child about their class work about this, so that they can share and remember their discussions. The theme was ‘Together for a Better Internet’.
On Tuesday and today, year 5/6 children watched a play called ‘The Worry Birds’ which was written and performed by Phillip Michelle, an actor formerly with Gwent Theatre. He also led each class in a follow up workshop.
As well as being an enjoyable activity, this play and workshops are one of the actions that we have put in place to ensure that we increase our provision for the expressive arts, following our very successful Estyn inspection last year.
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and today, Mrs Agland’s ‘This is Me’ Club prepared for, and presented, a lovely assembly about the national focus for this week, which is ‘My Voice Matters’. The theme of their assembly was that we can all use our voice to do good and bring about change.
Well done to everyone who took part so well! 😊
The Stow Hill Pantry is open every Wednesday from 3.15-3.45pm. If you are coming up to your fifth visit since the start of the new system, you will be given some further information to access a registered food bank if your need is likely to be ongoing.
Our pantry is not a foodbank and provides crisis support for our families. It is funded via a joint grant with Newport Cathedral and we also receive staff, parent and community donations. At present, this grant funding will run out at the end of March. Whilst we hope to be successful in grants for further funding, there is no guarantee. That is why, if your needs are long term, you will be supported to access a registered food bank such as the one run by the Trussell Trust, at Stow Park Church Centre.
Additional food was given out today because we are unable to open the Pantry next week in half term. In the Easter break we hope to open it at least once though.
As always though, please contact us if you have an urgent need with anything #stwoolosfamily
Our next Family Learning tomorrow is, ‘Reception Writing at Home’, and it runs from 9.00-10.30am. You will be able to work with your child and make something to take home. We hope you can join us. 😊
Last Friday the booking link for our Parental Consultations went out on Schoop and parents had a paper newsletter reminding them about this. The closing date for booking an appointment is Friday of this week.
Please book your appointment if you haven’t yet. If you don’t, your child’s class teacher will provide you with one after half term, once the lists have been checked. However, teachers will only be able to fit parents into the vacant slots once everyone has booked and you would have no choice over when it would be.
If you need an interpretor for this meeting, please let your child’s class teacher know. We will arrange for available GEMS (Gwent Education Minority-ethnic Service) staff to support us.
We will run a children’s film in the Nursery if you’re unable to arrange childcare.
The Parent Consultations take place on the following dates:
Tues 27th February – Rec-Y6 Parental Consultations – 3.45pm-7.30pm
Weds 28th February 3.45pm-6.00pm
Tues 5th March – Nursery Consultations – 3.45-7.30pm
Weds 6th March 9.15am-3.30pm
We break up on Friday for a week for half term.
On Monday 19th February we have an INSET Day (In-Service Education and Training) when school and nursery will be closed.
The Welsh Government’s Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing
Thank you if you were able to complete the parent survey for the Whole school Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing.
Staff and Governors have also completed surveys and we had a feedback session on the staff part last night after school by Mrs Liz Davies, the Teacher Advisor who is leading the project for the Welsh Government in South East Wales.
She has offered to extend the original deadline until the end of Friday this week, to ensure that everyone who wants to, is able to take part. The survey is brief and will take less than five minutes to complete.
The link is below.

Parent Governor
I’m waiting to hear whether we will have one or two vacancies for the post of Parent Governor and will be contacting you again before the end of the week.
I hope that you have a really lovely half term week and that the weather is good! Yours sincerely,
HL Vaughan