Dear Parent/Carer,
Our House Captains represented the school so well at the very moving Holocaust Memorial Service at Newport Cathedral on Friday. I was very proud of them.
The Stow Hill Pantry is on Wednesday from 3.15-3.45pm. Mrs Webber will also be in attendance to help with any enquiries.
Our first Family Learning session of the term for parents, ‘Reception Reading Activities’, takes place on Thursday from 9.00-10.30am. Our Family Learning sessions are taken by Mrs Couch, our former Deputy Headteacher, and a leaflet went home with information last week if your child is in either R1 or R2. Your child will be able to join you later in the session and we’ll also be giving refreshments. We hope you can join us. 😊
On Friday the booking link for our Parental Consultations the second week after half term will be sent out on Schoop.
If you need an interpretor for this meeting, please let your child’s class teacher know. We will arrange for available GEMS (Gwent Education Minority-ethnic Service) staff to support us. The latest date for booking your session is next Friday 9th Feb (not the 24th as it mistakenly says on the Dates sheet I’m sorry).
We had an extremely good turn out in Autumn and it was lovely to see you all with us. I hope that you’ll be able to come to these meetings and, as always, we’ll show a film in the Nursery, just in case you don’t have a babysitter. I know you’ll see a big difference in the progress your child has made. We’re so impressed with the work that they are doing at the moment. 😊
Please ask at the office if you need additional paper copies of the Diary Dates sheet.
The key dates below are on the Diary Dates sheet but I thought it would be helpful to highlight them:
Friday 9th February – Break up for half term (Monday to Friday)
Monday 19th February – School and Nursery closed – INSET day.
Tues 27th February – Rec-Y6 Parental Consultations – 3.45pm-7.30pm
Weds 28th February – 3.45pm-6.00pm Tues 5th March – Nursery Consultations – 3.45-7.30pm
Weds 6th March – 9.15am-3.30pm
Behaviour For Learning
A reminder about our four new Golden Rules which are:
- Use kind words and actions
- Treat everyone with respect and compassion at all times
- Get ready for new learning
- Aspire to be the best person you can be
The Welsh Government’s Whole School Approach to Wellbeing
Thank you if you have already completed The Whole School Approach to Wellbeing parent survey. Staff and pupils are also completing separate versions this week. It should only take about five minutes to complete and if you would help us with this, it would be great. The results will be complied and in our staff meeting next week we’ll have a feedback report from Liz Davies, a regional Whole School Approach organizer, who is funded by the Welsh Government. She will also work with us to produce an action plan which includes pupils, parents and staff. Our School Council and classmates will help with this next week and after half term, and we also plan to offer a parent action plan meeting after half term.
Below is the link that I sent out last week and I’ve also added a QR code which will be on a paper version of the newsletter.

This newsletter and link will also be shared on Schoop. (Please ask for the code in school if you don’t have this free text message app. It’s fine for more than one parent to join.)
Parent Governor
One of our current Parent Governors, Mrs Takmima Begum, has come to the end of her period of office. This will mean that we will be holding an election for this vacancy and possibly one other. Mrs Begum is eligible for re-election and I’ll send more details later in the week.
In the meantime, I’d like to thank her for her passionate support as a voice for every child and parent or carer in the school. Her advice and suggestions have been invaluable in our decision-making processes and I know that she was a great link between home and school during the times when we had closures as a result of Covid. Thank you!
Nursery Times
Thank you for your very positive response to the change in Nursery times. Yours sincerely.
HL Vaughan