Dear Parent,
The Jeans for Genes collection raised £129.66! Thank you for supporting this. Thank you also for your kind donations for our Harvest Festival last week! All of the food items were collected by The Raven House Trust on Thursday to be shared out to those in need. Well done to all the classes who performed so well and thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us for this service. It was a lovely surprise to see so many who had come to support the children.
Well done and thank you also to the group of children who volunteered to sing on Saturday for the Black History Month celebration at The City Campus.
Miss Spray’s Reception class have their Farm to Fork visit on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday is the Gateway Rugby session with Class 4/5B. Classes 1/2DE, 1/2S and 1/2DJ are visiting Techniquest in Cardiff on Wednesday.
The Nursery staff are holding two brief meetings on Wednesday at 11.15am and 2.45am to explain how the Nursery system is running for your child. I hope that you will be able to come to one of these sessions.
School Photographs will be taken on Thursday. If you would like a photo taken with a young child who is not in school, please bring them in first thing because the photographer will take these pictures first. A queuing system will operate once the doors are open at 8.45am. Please complete the attached form and give it to your child’s class teacher (not the office) if you would like your child to have a photograph with a brother or sister.
Also on Thursday, children in Classes 1/2E, 1/2S and 1/2DJ are having an ‘Experience India’ morning which is provided by staff working for Newport Education Service. They should be able to tell you lots about this (and their visit on Wednesday) when they come home. On Friday, the last of our Farm to Fork visits take place when Mrs Dickenson’s Reception class go to the Tesco store on Cardiff Road. Thank you to Mrs Helen Goodwin, who is the Tesco Community Champion, for helping to organise these visits for us.
Parental Consultations
These will take place on Tuesday 21st October and Wednesday 22nd October. Please return your form to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible if you have not already done so. The only clubs running after school next Tuesday and Wednesday will be Football Club and Sports Xtra because all of the staff will be involved with consultations. These are very important meetings and a lovely opportunity to see how your child has settled in their new class and to meet their new teacher.
A DVD will be running in the Nursery if you are unable to get a babysitter but please do not leave your children there after school until your appointment. Children must be collected at 3.30pm. Consultations will not start until 3.45pm so that all children can be safely dismissed.
Nursery Consultations will take place on Tuesday 4th November and Thursday 6th November. Please note that this second date has changed from the Wednesday.
Bonus Ball
There is a rollover this week.
Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan