Dear Parent/Carer,


Roald Dahl week was really great last week! Well done to prize draw winners!

The Reception children were tremendous in their Enormous Crocodile Tea Party on Friday afternoon and it was lovely to have so many parents join us! Thank you.

This week, Year 3 and Year 4 classes have their Immersion Day on Wednesday and Reception have theirs on Friday.

Look at our Twitter account @StWoolosPrimary for photos of these events, which should be great learning experiences for the children!


Friday is Jeans for Genes Day which is fundraising Casual Day to raise funds for research into genetic illnesses. Children may wear janes, or casual clothes for a donation of £1.00 or whatever you would like to give (less or more).

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Charles Ferris, is organising a collection of stationery (pens, pencils, colouring books etc) to be sent to schools in the St Vincent Islands which he has asked us to help with. If you are able to help with donating an item, please send anything in by Friday of this week.

Councilor Ferris, who is the Deputy Mayor, will be attending our assembly on Friday morning to receive the items that we collect.

We always encourage children to think of others less fortunate than themselves and this is one of the ways in which they can do that so I hope that you will be able to support them in some little way if you are able to.



Attendance is a very high priority for the Welsh Government, for Newport City Council and the school. Last year, our total attendance for the year was 92.7% which was unsatisfactory. It fell short of our target of 93.7% and reflects badly on the school, even though the vast majority of parents are making every effort with attendance.

This year our new target is 94% and it is vital that we achieve that. Please work with us to ensure that your child is on time and in school every day.


Every day matters.



Thank you for your cooperation with uniform. The vast majority of pupils are really smart but a few are still wearing trainers. Please ensure that your child wears school shoes.

If you need any help or support with this, please have a chat to me or another member of staff who you feel comfortable to talk to. We want to help you to help your child.

Thank you for helping to maintain our high standards.


Dinner Money

Please pay any money owing to Chartwells as soon as possible. School has no money to pay the bill that they will send us if you do not pay for your meals. You may be entitled to free school meals so if you would like to apply, please contact the office for an application form so that we can help you.


The Friends of St Woolos

We plan to hold as many fundraising activities as we can throughout the year to provide activities and equipment for pupils. If you have any good ideas, please share them with us. We are holding a meeting on Thursday 26th September at 2.45pm and if you could join us, that would be great. I’ll do another meeting at 5.00pm if anyone  would like to attend that instead.


Diary Dates

Diary Dates for the term accompany this newsletter. I’m sorry that there was a delay sending them to you but we needed to conform all available dates. Spare copies are available from the office.


Newport Synagogue and Cemeteries, Open Day

Newport Synagogue, Risca Road have an open day on Sunday 22nd September 10-4pm. Tours will take place every half hour and you can meet archivists and curators.  


Great News

We have received confirmation from the Welsh Government that our school has remained in the highest ranking group of Green schools across Wales with a Level 1 categorisation for this year.  (We were ranked Green when the system first started and have maintained this position ever since.)

This is great news!

This reflects the hard work of pupils and staff and your long-standing support and commitment as parents. Well done to all pupils and staff and thank you to you for your continued support for the school!

Yours sincerely,


H Vaughan