Dear Parent/Carer,

Well done to all of the Year 4 pupils who completed their three week swimming course last week! They have been incredibly resilient for the whole three weeks and considering that we had such a large number of children who had never swum or had been in the water before, they conquered their fears amazingly, to swim so well! 😊

Thank you for helping us to raise money for Comic Relief last Friday. We had a fun day and raised a total of £260.05. 😊

Our recent Daffodil Sale in aid of Marie Curie raised £24.50. 😊

Well done to the Chess Club members George, Sivisagar, Cody and Ryden who took part in the Welsh Schools’ Open Chess Tournament on Saturday at Cardiff University Business School. Thank you also to Ms Pochkhua who runs Chess Club and who accompanied us. We were so proud of the team who played so well and were great representatives of the school!

This week is the last week of term.

On Tuesday the Y3/4 classes, who have been learning Samba music for the past eight weeks, will be performing in a Samba Concert for parents at 11.30am. They’ve really enjoyed these sessions, which have been provided by Gwent Music Service.

The final Nursery Family Learning sessions, ‘Number Fun’, are on Wednesday from 9.00-10.30am or from 12.30-2.00pm. You will be able to find out about some way to have fun with numbers with your child and we will be serving refreshments. We hope that you can join us!

Our Easter Hat Parade takes place on Thursday morning. Children can wear their choice of Easter hat, and are welcome to make and decorate any hat at home to bring in.

There is no Football Club this Thursday.

On Friday morning, Class 3/4D have their class assembly and they will be telling the Easter Story. Parents are asked to be seated by 9.10am please.

On Friday afternoon classes will be watching the online ‘Music for All’ concert from Gwent Music Service. In addition, we will be holding our fundraising Easter Draw. Tickets are £1.00 a strip and will be on sale from breaktime on Tuesday. All money raised will go towards equipment for the children. Thank you to staff who have donated eggs.

Nuts in School
Please remember that we have several children and adults in school who have a nut allergy and mustn’t be exposed to nuts or nut products. For this reason, we try to be a nut-free school and ask that no nuts are brought into school at all. Thank you for helping with this. (A Schoop also went out about this.)

Attendance Information
A high number of children are currently having medical appointments during the school day, which are impacting on our attendance figures. To try to address this, parents are asked to provide evidence of an appointment booking to their child’s class teacher in the morning, in order for their child to have an authorized medical mark.

Whenever possible, please book dental appointments etc after the end of the school day.

We break up on Friday 22nd March.

Next Friday the 29th is Good Friday and is also St Gwynllyw’s Day (the patron saint of the school.)

The link below is to an article from The South Wales Argus in 2022, about St Gwynllyw, if you want to know more.

The new school term starts on Monday 8th April.

I hope that you have a really lovely Easter break! 😊

Kind regards,

HL Vaughan