Dear Parent or Carer,
Year 6 had a really great transition visit to school from staff in The John Frost School last week.
Our Y5 children are looking forward to joining other Y5 pupils from across the John Frost cluster in July for the annual Y5 Transition Concert and if their first rehearsal on Thursday with Miss Humphries from the John Frost School was anything to go by, they will be brilliant!
Thank you if you attended our ‘Curriculum Find out and Have Your Say’ meeting. I hope that found it useful.

This Week
Tomorrow morning Year 4 pupils are visiting The John Frost School for a cluster Year 4 transition PE activity.
On Wednesday, Mrs Couch will be running the second Family Learning session for parents called Fun Holiday Maths Activities to do at Home. Although it was originally aimed at children in Year 3 and above, Mrs Couch has said that if you couldn’t make last week’s session, and want to attend, then you are welcome to. The session will run from 9.00-10.30am and your child will get the chance to join you in an activity.
Year 5/6 Dragon Rugby also takes place on Wednesday.
Our next Class Assembly is on Friday at 9.15am and will be taken by Year 2 classes.
Parents and carers are welcome to join us and if you’d like to come in straight away, after you’ve dropped your child off, you’d be welcome to.

A few parents contacted me on Friday and were very worried indeed about seeing a few children being dropped off or collected and not wearing seatbelts. By law, everyone travelling in a car must wear a seatbelt. Please don’t think that if you are travelling only a short distance it doesn’t matter – it does, especially if there is another careless or dangerous driver who runs into your car with your child inside.
I know that this only applies to a very small number of parents, but even one is one too many. The last thing anyone wants is for one of our children injured through not wearing a seatbelt, so please help your child with this. Thank you.
Please also respect the 20mph speed limit and follow my request last week to either park a safe distance away from school and walk, or to drive through Baneswell, come along Jones Street at the top and down North Street so that we can keep a steady flow of traffic going in the same direction. If you already do this to help keep everyone safe, thank you.

Next Week
Sports Days take a place next week in our Health and Wellbeing Week.
They are on:
Monday 26th June – Y3-Y6 9.30-12.30pm
Tuesday 27th June – Rec-Y2 9.30-12.00pm

Parents and carers are welcome to join us for these mornings, which are taking place on the yards and on the GEM, with coaches from Sports Xtra helping us.
Please remember to apply sunscreen to your child before leaving for school in the morning and ensure that they have a water bottle with them.
Our Eco Green Day is on Wednesday 28th June and all children are asked to wear something green if they can. (There is no need to send any money in.) The Eco Team will be doing an Eco Assembly on that day.

Summer Fayre
Our Summer Fayre is on Friday 7th July.
If you’re able to help in any way, either by donating a raffle prize, asking any businesses for donations of
prizes, helping with items for stalls beforehand or running a stall on the day, please let the office know.

Very kind regards,
H L Vaughan