Dear All,

I would like to begin by saying thank you to all of the parents who supported us last week at various events.

The first “Families Connect” meeting for Year 1 and Year 2 parents was well attended. Miss Spray and Mrs Jones were really pleased that everyone who came participated so well. They are looking forward to this week’s meeting on Thursday, which is in the afternoon, from 1.00pm- 3.00pm.

Mrs Parry and Class 5/6P would like to say a huge thank you to the parents, grandparents and friends who came to their Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. The children will be having an additional sale at break time on Tuesday for pupils. Cakes will be on sale from 20p. Thank you, also, for the donations of cakes which made the event so successful. I will let you know the final amount raised, next week.

Also, thank you to the parents who attended the Reception Reading Meeting, Mrs Dickenson, Mrs Hayes and Mrs Jones were very pleased with the response. I hope that it was helpful.

Please note there is no Craft Club this Tuesday.

On Wednesday morning from 10.00am – 12.00pm, five lucky pupils are going to an event co-hosted by Newport City Council and Tiny Rebel Brewery, linked to the Newport Food Festival. The children will be making and decorating cookies. They were chosen by draw from 4/5B, 5/6W and 5/6P.

Also on Wednesday, Miss Watkins will be taking four children from the Eco Team, to an event hosted by NCC Bio Diversity Officer, Natalie Waller.

On Wednesday afternoon at 2.45pm, there will be a meeting for parents to explain Spice Time Credits. Time credits can be earned through volunteering and can then be used to “buy” tickets to a range of events. Cheryl McNamee-Brittain will be hosting the meeting, she will explain how the system works, what you can do to earn credits and how you can spend them. Later this month we will have a formal launch event, so watch out for details.

Our Harvest Service will be on Thursday at 9.15am and you are welcome to attend if you wish. We would be grateful for donations of food- tins, packets and boxes as soon as possible and fresh items on Wednesday or Thursday please. As usual we will be donating the Harvest food to Raven House Trust.

Parental Consultations will take place on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October. Please complete the slip attached with your choice of time slots. Responses will be dealt with as they arrive, so the sooner you respond, the more likely it is that you will get the time that you prefer. Please note that you cannot request a specific time.

I would like to remind you that parents are given a 10 minute appointment to discuss general progress, after looking at children’s books. If you have any specific concerns or questions which need a longer discussion, please speak to your child’s teacher and ask for an appointment at another time. Teachers will always make time for you to discuss urgent issues about your child.

On Tuesday 17th, during the consultations, members of the Aneurin Bevan Dental Health team will be available for discussion. You may remember your child brushing their teeth daily, in Nursery and Reception. We are planning to roll this out to Year 1 and Year 2, later this month and some parents may have already received a letter. If you gave permission in Nursery or Reception, those permissions last for four years, so you will not have a further letter. If you would like to discuss this with the team, look out for them on Tuesday 17th.

Bonus Ball

This week there is another roll over.

If you would like a chance to win, please ask at the office. You can choose a number and it costs £1 per week. Funds raised are split, half as a prize and half to School Fund, and every penny helps!


Yours sincerely,

Mrs S Couch

Acting Headteacher