Dear Parent/Carer,

Hello! I hope that you had a good weekend! We have reached the last week of a very long half term, it has gone by so quickly and your children have been brilliant 😊.

Parent Consultations
Parent consultation times were sent out on Friday, please make sure that you have had yours. They will take place in the middle and top halls and there will be a film in the Nursery for children run by Mrs Ottery and Mrs Rocha. This will enable you to talk to your child’s teacher without them and chat about their progress and how they have settled into their new classes without them being around. THERE WILL BE NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS THIS WEEK BECAUSE OF PARENT

CONSULTATIONS. We will reschedule Mr Godsall’s appointments until after half term as he is off school this week.

Please remember to phone into school if your child is unwell. It’s a very important part of our Attendance procedures.

RBL Poppy Appeal 2024
We are still selling poppies and poppy merchandise in school to raise money for the Royal British Legion Prices range from 50p to £2.

Flu Vaccinations
The school nursing service will visit the school to offer pupils a nasal flu spray vaccine on: Tue 5-11-24

The NHS recommends that your child has a flu vaccination every year.

It’s very important to protect your child from flu to make sure they stay as healthy as possible. The best flu vaccine for most children is a nasal spray. This is the vaccine that will be given on the day.

The online consent form and additional information can be found here:

To help make sure the vaccine is suitable for your child, and they don’t miss out, please take time to read the information and follow the link to complete the electronic consent form as soon as possible, before the planned vaccination date, no later than 48 hours before the above date. Any consent forms submitted after this time may result in your child not receiving their vaccine on the day.

Should you have any difficulties accessing the above link, please contact 01633 431685 for further support.

Estyn will be in school tomorrow for an Interim Visit to see how we are making progress towards our recommendations from our last ESTYN visit and report. You may see one of our visitors at Parents’ Evening so please feel free to chat to them.

Wishing you a great week ahead and a fabulous half term😊.

Very kind regards,
Miss T Bowden
Interim Headteacher