Dear Parent/Carer,
This is a brief newsletter this week.
As a result of continuing difficulties obtaining supply staff to cover staff absences, Class RDA and the Nursery will be closed for a further day tomorrow. Parents of children in those classes have been informed separately by Schoop.
Thank you very much for your understanding today about the current situation.
Just a reminder- if you have children in more than one class, please ensure that you have registered for both classes on Schoop so that you don’t miss out on messages. Thank you to the parent who let us know about that today.
Last Week
Year 2 classes really enjoyed their ‘Into The Deep’ immersion day last Thursday and have been doing lots of lovely follow-up activities! If you have a child in either of those classes, you will have seen lots of pictures on Seesaw but look out for some more on Twitter @StWoolosPrimary.
This Week
Children are continuing with their planned activities which are on the Theme Plans that were sent home recently. They are doing lots of really interesting activities.
The Newport County Move and Learn project is really going well with pupils in Classes 5/6W and 5/6AP. Lots of tips about healthy lifestyles!
Thank You
Thanks to a connection with a parent who works at the Wetherspoons Inn, The Godfrey Morgan, in Maindee, we have been nominated by them for fund-raising. We had previously been given £65.00 by them and we have now been given another £190.00, which we are extremely grateful for. This money will be used towards outside play equipment.
With recent donations from our community and parents, we have been able to buy a large amount of outside play items which arrived last week. A new large shed will be put up this week on the top yard to store some of this equipment and it will soon be used on both yards.
Over the next few months we will have more work done inside and outside the building and I’m hoping that by the summer we will reach the point where you are once again able to come into school.
Look after yourselves this week.
H L Vaughan