Dear Parent,
This is a brief newsletter with some extra information before we break up.

Children wore a fantastic range of hats for our Easter Parade yesterday! We were so impressed with how creative they were. 😊

Well done to Class 5/6P for their lovely Easter Assembly today! They made us very proud. It was lovely also to have family members join us for this assembly. Thank you.

Next Thursday and the Thursday afterwards, we will be opening the Pantry (foodbank) from 10.00-11.000am on both days.

Our Easter Raffle was busy today! We gave a free ticket to every child, as well selling lots of tickets, so that noone was left out. I’ll let you know how much we raised after Easter. The money that we raise in all events like this, helps us to keep ticking along with our school fund, which is used to support learning for our children.

Today we say thank you and goodbye to two members of staff whose contracts have come to an end – Mrs Hannant (Class 2J) and Mrs Grennell (Class 1JB). They have both been a very important part of the St Woolos team in their time with us and I’d like to thank them for their commitment and hard work while they have been with us. We hope that we will see them in school at some point in the future.

Good luck both!

Every child in the school is bringing home a bag of Lindt chocolates for Easter today, which were donated by Lindt, to King’s Church (based at Lower Dock Street) who have given them to us. I’d like to thank them for their very kind and generous donation. What a lovely gift to bring home!

I hope that you have a lovely Easter break with family and friends and I send you best wishes if you are marking Ramadan at the moment!

Very kind regards,
H L Vaughan