Dear Parent/Carer,

What a great Eisteddfod we had on Friday! 😊

The contributions from everyone were great and it’s been lovely to see such lovely art, handwriting and creative writing being done! We were stunned by the range and quality of the love spoons which children made in half term. Thank you very much for supporting your child with this homework task. Every pupil who brought in a love spoon got five points for their house.

Llongyfarchiadau (Congratulations) to our Year 6 Bard Ines LeCar and the runners up Raouf Rahman and Romaissa Mokhtari! The winning house was Wye!

This Week
The Friends of St Woolos have organised a Mother’s Day Sale this week, which will take place every day at breaktime.

Gifts are available from 50p to £2.00.

Nursery Consultations take place on Tuesday from 3.45-7.30pm and on Wednesday from 9.15-3.30pm. Please use the Nursery door to enter the school.

On Wednesday, while all Year 6 pupils have a Transition Art Day at The John Frost School, some Year 5 pupils will be taking part in

Tag Rugby Tournament at Rodney Parade, organized by Newport Gwent Dragons, who do our weekly training in school. The Pantry will run on Wednesday as usual from 3.15pm onwards. If you arrive early, please wait by the Nursery entrance.

World Book Day is on Thursday and we will have a day of book related activities in each class. We will also be holding a free book draw, with a winner in every class. Our focus for the day is ‘Book Recommendations’ and we’re asking children to bring in their favourite book so that they can write or dictate recommendations which will go into a class book of recommended books. (Please ensure that your child’s name is in their book.)

If children want to, they can dress up as their favourite book character, but there is no obligation to do so.

On Friday, the Nursery Mother’s Day Spring Concerts take place at either 11.00am or 2.00pm. These will be in the Nursery. We’re

looking forward to you joining us.

We anticipate that Ramadan is starting next Monday

If you would like your child to fast, please complete a form, available from the office, so that we know that you have given your permission about your child fasting or half-fasting.

Comic Relief
Red Nose Day is next week on Friday 15th March. Children can wear casual clothes and bring a donation in for Comic Relief if they want to. The School Council and House Captains will meet and decide on any other fundraising for Comic Relief next week.

Kind regards,

HL Vaughan