Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you for returning the Smarties tubes. If you have any to return, please would you let us have them by Friday? Thank you very much for helping with this.

We’ll have a Christmas Mini Sale on Friday for some of the unsold little gifts from the Fayre and prices will be from 20p-50p.

It was lovely to have Jayne Bryant, the Senedd Member for Newport West, and Councillor Kate Thomas, who so also a Governor, join us for our Celebration Assembly on Friday. The children sang so beautifully, as always!

This Week
Today started with our fortnightly Dragon Rugby session with Class 5/6D taken by coach Steve Lewis. The children are doing so well with this.
Concerts this week are:

  • Weds 7th 10.00am – Y1/2 Concert (Doors open at 9.50am because children will be seated ready to perform.)
  • Fri 9th 10.00am – Reception Concert

There will be a small raffle at each performance. Teachers will give out the tickets and will also allocate any spare tickets to those who requested more.

Please remember that a ticket is needed for entry and that no babies or toddlers under Nursery age are permitted to attend so that children can have the best chance to perform.

Children and staff have been working really hard to make these performances very special and I know that you will enjoy them!

Stow Hill Pantry
Our Thursday Foodbank, our foodbank, the Stow Hill Pantry, which is supported by Newport Cathedral congregation and Raven House Food Bank, will be open again on Thursday from 3.15pm onwards. This is a crisis service. Please ask if you need us to help you with anything such as referrals to other agencies. Our spare uniform is also held in our family room and is available should you need anything.

Concerts Next Week

  • Tues 13th 10.00am – Y3/4 Concert
    2.00pm – Afternoon Nursery Concert
  • Weds 14th 10.00am – Morning Nursery Concert
  • Fri 16th 10.00am – Y5/6 Concert

Please be seated ten minutes before the start of the performances.

Christmas Dinner
Our school Christmas dinner is next week, on Wednesday 14th December.
Looking forward to seeing lots of you this week at our concerts!

Very kind regards,
H L Vaughan