Dear Parent/Carer,
Happy Monday! Autumn is definitely here now as we have seen with our weather and October is well underway😊.

Harvest Festival
We will be holding our Harvest Festival in school on Wednesday. We are asking children to bring in tins and packets tomorrow of items such as pasta, rice, beans, passata and biscuits. Because of this tomorrow will be a non-uniform day. All donations will be shared out amongst the local community where they are needed. We will post photos of our Harvest Assembly on Seesaw as we are unable to invite parents due to lack of space in the hall.

Pupil Voice Groups
Our Pupil Voice Groups in school work very hard and play a vital role in School Improvement, ensuring that all of our children feel represented. The children have just voted for their new Eco-Committee, Digital Leaders, Criw Cymreig and School Council and those nominated children were announced in assembly last Thursday. We are sure that they will do an excellent job and build on the successes of last year’s teams.

Manor Adventure
Calling all Year 6 parents! We would like all of our Year 6 children to attend Manor Adventure this year as it builds such a variety of personal, social and physical skills. If your child has not signed up for it please come and chat to me about it so that I can answer any questions and alleviate any worries that you may have about your child going.

Parent Consultations
Parent Consultation booking links have been sent out and we look forward to meeting as many parents as possible at the consultations in the week beginning 21st October. Please make sure that you sign up and if you have any issues or queries please email Mrs Davies and she will help.

Finally, a massive congratulations to Mrs Davies and Mrs Agland who ran the Cardiff Half Marathon yesterday in amazing time. They ran to raise money for Noah’s Ark in memory of our Mehtab Talukdar and his family who were looked after so kindly by the team at Noah’s Ark.
Wishing you a great week ahead 😊.

Very kind regards,
Miss T Bowden
Interim Headteacher