Dear Parent/Carer,


Our Roald Dahl Week will be great fun!
On Friday children brought home a competition for them to return to school by Friday morning, which is Roald Dahl Day. We will do a draw of the entries, and, in every class, a winner will have a £5.00 book token.
(Children do not need to dress up. We will dress up on World Book Day in March 2020.)


I hope that you found today’s meeting helpful. If you were unable to attend, please see Miss Watkins as soon as possible so that you can talk with her about it.


On Thursday, Year 5/6 classes are having a Technocamps activity at Swansea University and will also visit the Swansea Bay museum. This will be a great trip and I know that children will learn a lot from it.


Well done to all the Early Bird winners this morning! It’s great to see that everyone has made such a good start with attendance and punctuality!
Children celebrating Muhurram tomorrow have been given a form to return to school on Wednesday.


Thank you for helping us to maintain a high standard of uniform.
If your child does not come home with an item of uniform, please come in to check lost property, which is kept in the middle hall, near the piano. We have a lot of lost property left from last term that will be laid out this week for children to check and, from next Monday onwards, we will give away, or wash to be recycled, any item of unclaimed uniform which is left in school all week.

If you ever need any spare uniform at any time, please ask us because we are regularly given clean, tidy uniform to pass on by parents whose children have grown out of it.
Thank you for remembering the request to not send in large rucksacks because we don’t have room for them. A few are still in school though and they are ending up in the floor because there is no room on the coat pegs. Children only need their PE kit (which could be left in school), their lunchbox that can fit on the trolley and a book bag. (If your child needs to bring clothing because they are staying with a different family member in the evening, just have a word with their class teacher and they can accommodate this for you.)

Please to label all items, including PE dappers, shoes and lunchboxes.


These will come out tomorrow. We are just waiting to finalise a few trips.

Thank you for helping the start to the year go so well.

Yours sincerely,
H Vaughan