Dear Parent/Carer,

Miss Vaughan is part of an Estyn Inspection team this week, so will not be in school at all. I will be Acting Headteacher in her absence.

I would like to start by apologising to the Foundation Phase parents, I rushed a letter out to Junior children on Monday, and then did not send it out with Foundation Phase children on Tuesday, which had been my intention. Therefore, the Attendance letter should accompany this newsletter for Foundation Phase children only.

National Tests

The National Testing went well last week, with only a small number of children missing the tests. I will be doing catch up tests with those children who missed them, today and tomorrow. Miss Bishop and Miss Spray will also be helping with this.

On Friday, a small group of Year 5 children went up to the Cathedral with bird boxes which they had made in the Spring Term. They met Canon Mark, and the Cathedral’s head gardener there. The gardener put the boxes in place.

Cricket Workshops

Cricket Workshops, run by Paul Morris from Newport Cricket Club, continue this Wednesday after school.

Class RD Assembly

On Friday Class RD have their Class Assembly at 9.15am. I hope you can join us.

Attendance and Punctuality

Last week, Miss Vaughan and I were outside in the mornings to speak to parents of children who were late. The number of late children changed from day to day and there were a number of reasons for this. We will continue to do this from time to time. As Miss Vaughan explained last week, we need to improve our punctuality and reduce the number of absences.

Since the Easter holiday, I have sent out three Fixed Penalty warning letters and two reminders to parents whose children have had 6 sessions of unauthorised absence.

School Uniform reminder

I have recently noticed that an increasing number of children are wearing bracelets and necklaces to school. In our uniform code, it does say quite clearly that this is not allowed, mainly for reasons of Health and Safety. Can you please ensure that your child does not wear these to school. If they do, they will be asked to remove them.

Also, if the warm weather continues, please provide your child with a cap or hat which they can wear at playtimes. The Foundation Phase children, in particular, are outside for a long time over lunchtime and while there is shade available, wearing a hat will protect them.

Bonus Ball

Our Bonus Ball competition brings us in a small amount of money each week, but it

is vital to the school. Parents and staff contribute to it. Thank you for supporting this.

There are some spare numbers if anyone wants to join for £1.00 a week (half of which goes to the school).

There is a rollover this week.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs S A Couch

Acting Headteacher