Dear Parent or Carer,
We’ve had a great week of celebrations last week with the exciting Peace Run and Peace Torch visit on Wednesday, a really lovely Coronation Concert on Thursday, and our parties on Friday!
I think that everyone really enjoyed themselves!
We have received notification that Estyn, the Welsh schools’ inspectorate, will be inspecting us in two weeks’ time from Monday 22nd -Thursday 25th May.
This is a very positive event for us as a school because we are so proud of our children and all of our families.😊
However, we will need your help in this process please.
One of the things that the Inspectors have asked me to do is to share with you a Parent/Carer Questionnaire (which is anonymous) which will be available online until 11.00pm on Sunday 14th May. You can access it by using the link or QR code below.
(Please note that that the back button should not be clicked on the browser once the questionnaire has been submitted as this could result in duplicate responses being recorded.)

Tomorrow in assembly, I’ll show children a short film about the inspection process and a copy of a leaflet from Estyn will be sent home called: ‘Understanding inspections in schools: A guide for parents and carers’
On the first day of the Inspection, on Monday 22nd May, there will be a Parent/Carer Meeting in the school hall at 3.45pm which will last less than an hour. The Inspectors would like to meet with as many of you as possible to help them find out about the school.
It is very important to us as a school that as many of you attend as possible so that you can share your information and thoughts about your child’s education and about the school.
To help make this easier for you, we will run a children’s film in the Nursery, just like we do during Parental Consultations. I hope that you will be able to come and support us
One of the recommendations from the last Inspection was to improve the punctuality of persistent latecomers and we will be judged on this. It this is currently an area of concern again so if your child arrives at school when everyone else has gone in, you fall into the category. Please follow my previous requests to arrive on time.
We have some places in Breakfast Club, and the gates are open for this from 8.15am. Children must be in school for this by 8.25am at the latest so that they can be served. If you would like a place, please contact the office (01633 265792).
Thank you to the vast majority of parents who ensure that their children arrive at school on time, by 8.50am
This Week
We are very proud of the three Year 5/6 classes who attended the Life Exhibition about the Christian story of Jesus, at Malpas Road Church today. This was arranged, and transport was funded, by the ICE team from Bethesda Church, Rogerstone, who also run our lunchtime Discovery Club (Old Testament Bible Stories).
Well done to the three classes who were again praised on the visit for their behaviour!
The Nursery Fundamentals activity run by Newport Live, takes place again tomorrow.
The Pantry is open from 3.15-3.45pm on Thursday, in the Family Room, at the rear of the school.
A meeting will be held on Friday 12th May at 2.45pm for anyone who is interested in joining and sharing ideas about fundraising for Latch, the Children’ Cancer Charity, in memory of Mehtab Talukdar, who is much missed.
If you can’t attend, but are interested in helping, then please let us know.
I’ll share any extra information about the upcoming Inspection when I have it.
If you click on this link, it will take you to our last Inspection Report, from 2015:
This newsletter is also being sent out on paper so that everyone sees it.
If you are new to the school and don’t have the free Schoop app on your phone, please ask the office, or your child’s class teacher, for the code.
Thank you for your continued support.
Very kind regards,
H L Vaughan